Book Chapter Details
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Stephen Roddy, Brian Bridges
2021 Unknown
Doing Research in Sound Design
Meaning-making and Embodied Cognition in Sound Design Research
Focal Press
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Meaning-making, Embodied Cognition, Musical Cognition, Sound Design Research, Human-computer Interaction
This chapter examines the historically prevalent models of cognition that have shaped research methods and techniques in some of the fields associated with sound design. It discusses the efficacy of disembodied models of cognition, which, in favor of reductive explanations, overlook how embodied and perceptual experience can shape and constrain cognitive function. The chapter is particularly concerned with sonic meaning-making - the process by which a listener interprets or assigns meaning to a sonic symbol - as this process is crucial to sound design research. It chronicles developments in psychoacoustics, computing, cognitive science and music, and suggests that sound design research should adopt embodied models of cognition. Such models have more recently come to the fore in these fields, and offer more convincing accounts of meaning-making by addressing how our physical, perceptual and sensorimotor dimensions shape and constrain cognition.
Michael Filimowicz
Grant Details
Science Foundation Ireland
This publication has been funded by an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellwoship Award. This publication has emanated from research supported in part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund under Grant Number 13/RC/2077.