Conference Publication Details
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Stephen Roddy, Dermot Furlong
BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference
Vowel Formant Profiles and Image Schemata in Auditory Display
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Sonification, Auditory Display, Vowel Formants, Fomant Synthesis, fof Synthesis, Human-computer Interaction, Sound & Music Computing
his paper presents two evaluations intended to examine if listeners are more likely to associate certain vowel formant profiles with specific data types in an auditory display context. The data types and sounds chosen to reflect those data types are informed by findings from the field of cognitive science. The results of the evaluations suggest that to a limited degree, listeners associate certain vowel formant profiles with strength, largeness of size, darkness and tension. The results further suggest that the amount of noise present in the vocal gesture effects the listeners perception of the tension represented in the sound. These results have implications for the field of auditory display.
Irish Research Council & Science Foundation Ireland
Grant Details
Irish Research Council
he research presented in this publication has been supported by a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Award and a Postgraduate Research Studentship award from Trinity College Dublin. This publication has emanated from research supported in part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund under Grant Number 13/RC/2077