The concept of linguistic landscape emerged from ethno- and sociolinguis-
tics to refer to the visibility of the diverse languages that co-exist in a de-
fined territory and the necessity to map the changing relationship between
them. Within the field of Translation Studies, it has been combined with eco-
critical approaches to rethink the complex connections between languages,
cultures, and territories, always recognising the vulnerability of minority
languages in the context of globalization. In this initial contribution, I want
to explore the changes in the linguistic landscapes of contemporary Catalan
theatre, linking them to the triple crisis — socioeconomic, political, and envi-
ronmental — which has been experienced with particular intensity between
2008 and 2021. I will look at three aspects of these ecolinguistic changes:
1. The presence and visibility of plurilingual dramaturgies; 2. The treatment
and recovery of invisible or marginal figures from Catalan theatrical tradi-
tion (above all as relates to dialectal diversity); 3. The role of translation from
other traditions (especially as regards the representation of linguistic con-
flict and minority cultural identities).