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O'Riordan, J., S. Martin, D. Horgan;
DICE Conference 2010
Expanding the International Development Focus of an Early Childhood Studies Degree (BA ECS, UCC)
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
Oral Presentation
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This paper focuses on the ongoing work involved in developing the global connections and international development dimensions of the BA Early Childhood Studies in UCC. This work follows on from increasing attention to global childhoods in the programme since 2006. Here we draw attention to the development of networks of association in informing the development of curriculum and the expansion of overseas placement opportuntities in the programme. We offer an overview of staff interaction with NGO and higher level institutions in this regard during 2009. These activities include a staff visit to Kolkata in December 2009; co-operation in the organisation of a photographic exhibition on people living with disabilities in Lesotho in September 2009 and ongoing work in the development of placements in Lesotho. Such work develops a sound foundation for co-operation across higher level and NGO sectors and forms the basis of exchange based on mutual respect and recognition.