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Porter L;Matvienko-Sikar K;Wharrad H;Spiby H;Siriwardena AN;Howitt C;Green K;Redsell S;
Co-Design of a Reusable Learning Object (RLO) to Address Caregiver Responsive Infant Feeding Behaviours (CRIB) to Prevent Childhood Obesity: A Mixed-Method Protocol.
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Responsive infant feeding is a key strategy for childhood obesity prevention. Responsive feeding involves caregivers responding to infant hunger and satiety cues in a timely and developmentally appropriate manner. There is a dearth of evidence-based information and guidance for caregivers on how to responsively feed their infants. The aim of this research is to co-design a Reusable Learning Object (RLO) and guidance infographic to improve caregiver awareness, understanding and use of responsive infant feeding behaviours. The Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behaviour (COM-B) model of behaviour change and the Aim, Storyboarding, Populate specification, Implement media, Review and release prototype, and Evaluate (ASPIRE) approach for digital intervention co-design will be utilised. Four co-design workshops with caregivers of infants and healthcare professionals (HCPs) will determine priority RLO content. Content analysis will enable RLO development and process reporting. Formative and summative surveys will be conducted to evaluate the usability of the RLO, its impact on caregivers and its potential implementation into NHS care pathways. The output will be a RLO on responsive feeding for caregivers and an infographic for HCPs/support workers which will contribute to a future obesity prevention intervention. The findings will be disseminated to stakeholders and submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
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