Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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Helena Buffery
Puntos de fuga: Proyecciones del exilio en la escena catalana contemporánea
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Catalan theatre, contemporary dramaturgy, repertoire, Spanish Republican exile, memory, postmemory, ethics of representation
This article sets out to provide a survey of twenty-first century representations of Spanish Republican exile on the contemporary Catalan stage. Starting by addressing the ethical, political and aesthetic problematics of staging exile, engaging with recent historiographical debates and responses (such as those developed in Balibrea et al, 2017), it proposes the concept of “vanishing points” as a frame for understanding what can and cannot be seen at different moments in time, depending on the perspective of the viewer. The subsequent analysis of theatrical productions is divided into two parts. The first aims to provide a panoramic overview of the different types and strategies of representation that have emerged over the past twenty years, including information on different authors, directors, titles, locations, approaches and places of memory, as well as considering contextual factors which might explain different trends. The second part of the article zooms in on plays by renowned contemporary Catalan dramatists (Josep Benet i Jornet, Àngels Aymar, Carles Batlle, Helena Tornero and Pau Miró) that include metathetrical reflection on the problematics of representing exile.
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