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Buiu, O, Hall, S, Engstrom, O, Raeissi, B, Lemme, M, Hurley, PK, Cherkaoui, K;
Extracting The Relative Dielectric Constant For "High-K Layers" From Cv Measurements - Errors and Error Propagation
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The paper pursues an investigation of the errors associated with the extraction of the dielectric constant (i.e., kappa value) from capacitance-voltage measurements on metal oxide semiconductor capacitors. The existence of a transition layer between the high-rc dielectric and the silicon substrate is a factor that affects - in general - the assessment of the electrical data, as well as the extraction of rc. A methodology which accounts for this transition layer and the errors related to other parameters involved in the k value extraction is presented; moreover, we apply this methodology to experimental CV results on HfO2/SiOx/Si structures produced in different conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
DOI 10.1016/j.microrel.2007.01.006
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