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Drummond, LC, Balboa, S, Beaz, R, Mulcahy, MF, Barja, JL, Culloty, SC, Romalde, JL;
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
The Susceptibility of Irish-Grown and Galician-Grown Manila Clams, Ruditapes Philippinarum, to Vibrio Tapetis and Brown Ring Disease
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Brown Ring Disease (BRD), which affects the Manila clam in Europe, is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio tapetis. BRD has been diagnosed in Ireland on only one occasion (1997) although the aetiological agent has recently been detected in apparently healthy Manila clams from a number of sites around the Irish coast. The present work investigated the susceptibilities to BRD of two stocks of Manila clams, one from Ireland and the second from Galicia, north-western Spain, where BRD has been reported on a number of occasions. Exposure of the clams was by addition of V. tapetis to the holding waters. Development of BRD was assessed by the appearance of brown ring signs on the host shells, by bacterial isolation and characterization, and by detection of the bacterium by PCR. The pathogen was recovered from infected individuals and confirmed as V. tapetis by biochemical tests and a slide agglutination test. Galician clams experienced significantly higher mortalities, BRD prevalences and V. tapetis levels than Irish clams. Background infection with V. tapelis in the control stocks prevented conclusions being drawn on comparative susceptibility of the two stocks. Irish clams were significantly affected by the experimental challenge, as demonstrated by the development of BRD and an increase in V. tapetis levels. Results illustrate the vulnerability of Irish clams to BRD and have implications for the movement and transfer of clam seed in Ireland. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved..
DOI 10.1016/j.jip.2006.11.010
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