Conference Contribution Details
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Manfred Schewe;
Jouer les langues. Theatre et performance dans l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres
Rencontre scientifique internationale sur le theatre dans l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres. (Departement de Sciences Humaines de l'Universita del Piemonte Orientale 'Amedeo Avogadro' et l'Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3.
Vercelli, Italy
Invited Lectures (Conference)
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Towards a performative teaching and learning culture

Drama and Theatre-based approaches to the teaching and learning of language, literature and culture are becoming increasingly popular. This development will be looked at from a historical perspective and in the context of the role of the arts in education in general. Current intra- and extracurricular drama and theatre-based practices will be looked at and more recent developments in the area of research will be presented. It will be argued that the arts have been neglected in the modern languages for a long time, but that there are increasing signs for a ¿performative turn¿ in the modern languages. In this context the concept of a ¿Performative Auslandsgermanistik¿ will be outlined. 

Universities of Grenoble and Vercelli